Against Modern Football? |
The 'Against Modern Football' movement has really come to prominence these last two seasons and has really gathered momentum. But why? I'm going to take a look at the 'selling points' of the AMF revolution and see whether we should agree or disagree with the ever-more present 'protest'. If you were to search the #AMF feed on twitter, you'd find a whole range of different gripes that are being listed under it. The whole 'blokish' attitude towards the game these days look back to what football
was - a male dominated past-time becoming more and more present and now with the introduction of technology. Things such as burger prices and the 'half & half scarf' regularly fall under the AMF hashtag but is that what the movement is really about? Even the backbone of sport - the fans, are under scrutiny in this very vague topic. Whose to say somebody is a 'real' or 'proper' fan because somebody attends more matches than the other? The 'gloryhunter' and 'plastic' term is also thrown about at will and below I look further into it, giving my opinion on every subject of the AMF revolution. Feedback is always appreciated and can be left at the bottom of the post.